FAQ 1: “I’m really new to training! IS THAT OK?”

That’s absolutely fine as my coaching is for complete newcomers, people who haven’t exercised at all or for a long time. I will tailor everything, training routines and nutrition advice to your experience and ability.

I have an extensive range of exercise videos to guide you through any workout via the Coach Barclay App, plus incredible lifestyle recipe books that will revolutionise how you feel about dieting!

I ensure we will start where you are right now, and coach you along the way through every step.

FAQ 2: “I don’t feel confident training with free weights and machines.”

The gym can be an intimidating environment for a beginner. I have a very friendly and fun approach with all of my clients and I assure you that I will make you feel comfortable, at ease and guide you through any anxieties you may have. 

I’ll help you overcome a lack of confidence in the gym, helping you gain and feel more confident in a training environment after just a few training sessions, giving you the right training cues, knowledge, etc. at the right time to further your understanding of the coaching process.

FAQ 3: “I struggle eating healthy food! Will you help me?”

Changing your body shape starts at home in the kitchen, understanding and learning how to eat foods you enjoy. 

Fear not! I have a simple method with regards to portion control and a bank of lifestyle recipe books, survival eating out guides for all your favourite eateries that will completely change the way you think about dieting. You’ll learn new ways to cook with fresh ideas and healthy twists.
I promise no bland, boring, “diet food” in Tupperware!

FAQ 4: "How Come I Get Tired Soon After Eating Cereal for Breakfast?"

First of all, eating breakfast is extremely important if you want to lose fat, maintain muscle (which consequently burns fat), or simply have energy through the rest of the day.

A good breakfast will refuel the body with the amino acids (protein) it needs to reverse the muscle wasting that goes on overnight. It will also supply you with some healthy fats that will keep you satiate you and provide energy in the morning.

Cereal has none of these qualities; therefore eating it for breakfast simply sucks. Even though you’re eating the “healthy” cereals, you’re experiencing first- hand the effects. Sleepiness is a common result of eating cereal for breakfast.

Why does this happen?

Well, cereal is refined. Although a lot of cereals claim they are made of wheat and all this other “good stuff”, it’s irrelevant. They’re a starch. They’re still broken down to the simple sugars. Simple sugars, as you know raise your insulin sky- high then crash back down to earth, leaving you hungrier and more irritable than before.

FAQ 5: “I don’t have time for training…”

My personalised coaching is designed to work around your life and what's happening right now, as it has to be a sustainable lifestyle change.

I don’t want to give you a plan that you won't be able to adhere to! At our consultation, I’ll ask you in more detail about your work, family, social life, etc. that I obtain from my questionnaire. Then I’ll build a plan and give recommendations for YOU. I will help you exercise and burn calories even if you would struggle to get to the gym.

I Pledge your coaching plan will NEVER negatively impact your day because I care about your health first and foremost.

FAQ 6: “I’ve got too many social events in my diary!”

I have been there; wearing something all in black to appear slimmer, so you don't feel that everyone is staring at you. It really made me wish I had started working on my health, fitness and body shape a lot sooner! Start coaching now and you will feel better - physically and mentally - by the time that first social event or holiday comes around.

No, I won’t tell you, you can't go to them! My coaching style is all about making weight loss fit with your life by helping you become more aware and learn to manage social events and have a plan of action without feeling deprived.

FAQ 7: 7. “I can’t afford coaching”

We've all been there month after month a gym membership that was gone to waste without realising it. 

Imagine investing in a coaching process, you would stop wasting money, AND start getting something out of that gym membership. Like anything, it is a question of priorities and values.

1-to-1 coaching could be the greatest investment you ever make. It will make you feel more energetic, stronger and invigorated. Imagine how that newfound confidence could change other parts of your life! (Like my client Jess.)

I pledge to show you how the coaching process is an investment in your health, lifestyle, energy, confidence, mind and body.