After 12 weeks of Training with Wilf - Jess has found her confidence back, with a body she is now proud of!
How did you feel before you started to train with me?
When carrying my youngest little boy, I gained a massive 6 stone. I was previously 10 stone and went to a staggering 16 stone. I faced many problems after having him with how I looked but more importantly, how I felt. Even though I had gained one of life’s most precious gifts, I lost a massive part of myself, all down to body image. I lost all confidence in myself in front of family and friends but most importantly my partner.
I was forwarded to a counsellor and suffered with body dysmorphia until I realised I was the only person who could change this. I hadn’t exercised for well over 2 years before training with Wilf, I was nervous, apprehensive but also a little excited to make a big lifestyle change, that not just I needed, but also my boys. I felt constantly sluggish and tired, my joints hurt from carrying the excess weight. I tried to hide at all extents and even evaded having my picture taken because the horror of having to look at that photo would haunt me.
“I gained 6 stone, constantly felt sluggish - I lost all confidence in myself...”
What problem(s) / problem areas did you have? (What obstacles did you experience?)
Through carrying my youngest child, I developed a problem called SPD which effects your hips and pelvis through carrying. This problem usually clears up on its own after you have delivered but due to the size of my baby I faced further problems once delivering him, with a physio signing me off all physical activity for 12 months. However, I saw my whole body as a problem area for me. Weight which was gained was not just in one area of my body but all over.
Before I encountered Wilf’s services as a personal trainer, as I knew him as a friend. I just knew that what he was going to offer would be highly profession yet a little laid back at the same time. I know that he puts his all into anything that he does and he doesn’t ever do anything half hearted, he does everything to the T and properly, no corners cut. He offered me support with my diet and portion controls which I had never before encountered. He was going to make it personal to me and I wasn’t going to just be another number to him. He really was going to invest his time in me to help support me to be me again.
What made you the happiest about training with me?
Will was so thorough with me from the very first steps that I took with him. I was a little embarrassed at first at not knowing what certain exercises were and felt like a novice, but he was really patient and took the time and explained and shown me everything. Not only did he demonstrate exercises, he would explain it in a simplistic way that I could easily mirror and also explained which muscles would be used. Once I got going the embarrassment disappeared as he made me feel really at ease and explained that I would get better with time and practice. He encouraged me constantly and told me that I was doing well but also explained to me where I needed to improve in a non-derogatory manner.
Since I first started, we can now look back at how far I’ve come and even have a little light humour about some things I previously used to do when I first started out. Still today after training personally with him for 5 months, he still treats me the same as if it was my first day. He still has my best interests at heart and still will explain all new exercises he incorporates to my sessions like I've just started out with him. We are able to have a session and it not be serious, we can have light hearted banter but also be serious when we need to be.
“Wilf pushes me to my limits even when I say I can’t because he believes in me and he knows what I now can do. ”
I can now fit into clothes that I wore previously before having my youngest child and gaining 6 stone. I have actually dropped a dress size to what I was before I got pregnant with my youngest. I feel stronger than I ever have before and feel physically fitter and leaner. I am starting to wear clothing that I would only of dreamt of wearing even previously as I didn’t have the confidence to, but now I do!
“I didn’t think it was possible to feel like me again, but I finally do, and that’s all thanks to Wilf constantly supporting and believing in me. ”
I didn’t think that having a lean figure and a strong posture would ever be possible. I didn’t think that I would ever feel happy again and gain my lost confidence but I have tenfold. I have a new found confidence that wasn’t even there before. I used to look at ladies before and think “Oh my, I would dream for that figure’, my thoughts now are “I can have that figure, lets work towards it!”, because I know that I can achieve it now with hard work but most importantly determination and support from Wilf.
Wilf is a genuine person who really will put your needs first and will genuinely want to help get you to where you want to be. He will discuss all options with you and one of the most important things, he will make sure you are enjoying it. He will never make you do anything that you are not comfortable with or don’t enjoy - yet you still will reap the rewards with him.
I cannot thank him enough and I could not recommend his services enough to any one. Words truly cannot explain my gratitude, Ive been on a long journey, but I’ve loved every minute of it as after every session I felt a difference and its also down to his belief with me.
“Wilf really has changed my life. He has helped me find ‘me’ again - a more confident, happy, sociable mum of 2 who is ready to take on the world again!”
How did you feel before you started to train with me?
We felt really un-confident. Also often tired, bloated and uncomfortable in our clothes.
What problem(s) / problem areas did you have? (What obstacles did you experience?)
I gained weight and did not have any confidence using weights in the gym. Both of us didn't know where to start with training without overdoing it.
Probably like many people, we used to over-exert ourselves for two weeks at the gym, and then not go for a couple of months after!
WHAT MADE MY SERVICE STAND OUT FROM YOUR OTHER OPTIONS? And what contributed to your decision to invest in my service?
A friend recommended Wilf’s service to us. The flexibility of being able to fit in training around mine and my partners work commitments was amazing!
“The flexibility of being able to fit in training around mine and my partners work commitments was amazing!”
What made you the happiest about training with me?
The fact that you actually consider health, physically and mentally. Your guidance made us feel comfortable and excited from day 1 (instead of apprehensive and intimidated.)
Not only weight loss within our first few weeks, which is something we’ve struggled with before, but also the confidence to navigate our way around the gym!
Not dreading going to training and actually looking forward to it.
Wilf always goes above and beyond to help us towards achieving our goals, we cannot thank him enough!
Rachel Woodward Testimonial
How did you feel before you started to train with me?
I felt like I was training & trying to keep a check on my nutrition but didn’t really have a goal in mind so ended up being a bit flaky!! I wasn’t planning food in advance & would then make poor choices because I was starving & eating on the run.
What problem(s) / problem areas did you have? (What obstacles did you experience?)
Problem areas covered a bit above in that I wasn’t planning food effectively so would then grab things on the go. Am a busy working mum so have struggled with sleep deprivation & then juggling everything day to day. I would class myself as a former athlete having played a high level of netball in the past so training hard has never been an issue but I don’t think I fully understood what impact lack of sleep can have on all other factors, training, diet, general alertness, mood.
WHAT MADE MY SERVICE STAND OUT FROM YOUR OTHER OPTIONS? And what contributed to your decision to invest in my service?
I saw Wilf in the gym doing a flexibility workout himself. I have used personal trainers previously (when my body allowed me to just train till I dropped). From watching him I felt his approach would be different & would enable me to reach my new found goals in A more sympathetic way. (God help the personal trainer who tells a sleep deprived mum to do one more rep!!)
What made you the happiest about training with me?
Wilf freely gave me a workout schedule with no agenda to me signing up. He genuinely wants to help people & support them which I liked.
“Wilf is easy to talk to but sets out the rules. You can chat between sets but get focussed when you’re actually working!!”
I get stronger with every session I do & feel like I understand my body a little better every time too. I know when I can push & when I need to take a break. Wilf supports this.
We’re still fairly early days & I have been carrying a bit of a knee injury which has impacted our sessions a bit. I feel like I had to get the exercise bit sorted in my head first, now I’m comfortable with that I can engage more with the nutrition side. The app allowing me to track my food is great as one of my objectives was to be held more to account. The app allows me to do that & also gives Wilf an insight into what I’m doing outside of the gym so he can assist in getting me back on track. It’s a really useful tool.
I would recommend Wilf because he has some life experience outside of the gym. As someone with a young family himself he’s in the same position as me & many of my friends so understands the day to day pressures of work, sorting kids & life in general.
How did you feel before you started to train with me?
Before I started to train with Wilf I lacked confidence because of the way that I looked. I disliked even the thought of exercise and would always have an excuse to avoid it. I would constantly compare the way I looked with others and thought that if I went to the gym people would laugh at me because of my size.
What problem(s) / problem areas did you have? (What obstacles did you experience?)
I suffer with PCOS and have recently being diagnosed with endometriosis. For health reasons I was advised to stop taking the contraception pill and as a result within a space of 3 months I had gained 4 stone which I was really struggling to move and affected my mental health and relationships. I am really body conscious because of this which is one of the main reasons I hated the thought of a gym. Full of people with amazing bodies and mirrors. I just thought that’s not for me.
What made my service stand out from your other options?
I was recommended Wilf by a friend (Wilf’s wife Mandy) and although I was very skeptical about it, thought I would give it a try. I was sooo nervous the day I first met Wilf however he was profession, welcoming and spent time listening to me and how I felt about myself, my health and my body. I continued my journey with Wilf as he is friendly, in fact a bit of a joker makes the gym fun. He understands the issues that you are dealing with in life, can affect your training and is happy to listen and give advice. I liked this a PT’s I have used before have been focused purely on fitness goals.
What contributed to your decision to invest in my service?
I sometimes struggle to see what I have achieved since starting however Wilf reminds me how far I have come, where I started how my size and weight have changed, how I am fitter and can lift more. This is the perfect motivation needed to continue and not give up and Wilf knows the perfect time to give you a little pep talk.
What made you happiest about training with me? What has exceeded your expectations since training with me?
I cannot believe that Wilf has changed my mentality like he has not only my view to fitness, but to work and my home life. Wilf is forever reminding me that I can achieve anything I just have to think positive and believe in myself (NO FAIL).
“Wilf will give you his all, all the tools needed and encourage you both within sessions and regular contact via whats-app.”
What's the main reason you would recommend my service?
I would recommend Wilf to all. I am midway through my journey and have experienced many obstacles along the way however whether fitness related or relationship advise Wilf understands the importance of each person’s circumstances and the effect that it can have on your eating habits and training routine. Wilf is friendly and approachable and if there is any question that he cannot answer he will go away and sufficient research the subject, so he can offer you guidance and support. Thank you for helping me get to where I am today and I look forward to the rest of our journey together in the future.